Holiday Events
Valentine's Day - Easter - Christmas
When you are in retail, there are certain holidays your company can’t afford to let pass you by. A lot of families, particularly in Latin neighborhoods, are going to shop and celebrate where the best local promotion is happening. For instance, parents are looking for places on Easter Sunday where their kids can meet the Easter Bunny and have an Easter Egg Hunt. While the kids are being entertained, that gives mom a chance to buy new clothes for Easter Sunday or get candy and plastic eggs for her own Easter Egg Hunt. For Christmas why not shop at the local Plaza where their kids can meet Santa and get a free toy. Parents go where their kids are most comfortable.
Fiesta de Carnival can plan and organize any of the above holiday promotions for your group. Obviously, these dates are the busiest for our company, so please give us as much advanced notice as possible! There are no holiday events that are too big or too small for our company. Whether you need a Santa for One day or a huge Santas village for One month we can accommodate your needs.
Listed below are some more crucial shopping holidays and some promotional ideas that can be done to attract families to your location: